And here is the last article of the week, reserved for blogs I read daily, as well as youtube channels I watch. I will mainly talk about blogs not known enough for my taste, because I think it is unnecessary to go into too much detail or Babbling Beauty Blog very famous on the net.
I hope you enjoy it all to you, and you will always find more ideas;)
(note that the order in which I present is totally random and is not a matter of preference)
Rate Beauty and youtube channel: a blog mostly about makeup, but also talks about various cosmetic care. I especially love the videos of Sarah sourillantes still and sparkling, original and well explained. In addition, she regularly responds to its readers in the comments, which I find much nicer than someone who is distant and makes items like a robot without taking into account the various opinions.
My Beauty Box and its chain youtube : cela ne fait pas très longtemps que je la suis, mais j'adore ! Ses maquillages sont toujours très frais, et ses vidéos agréables à regarder. Par ailleurs, c'est une bloggeuse très généreuse qui n'hésite pas à faire régulièrement des "giveaway" avec des prix assez coûteux. J'en ai d'ailleurs remporté un dont je vous parlerai une fois les produits testés.
Oh Beauty ! : voici un blog constitué exclusivement de tests de produits cosmétiques très détaillés. Au programme : analyse de la composition, de la texture, et bien-sûr, effet final ! Le design est vraiment sympa, les avis pleasant to read, recommended!
Liloo and co : the blog Liloo adorable, I found through another blog. This girl is crazy makeup, each more beautiful than the others, she has in her little world flavors of the world. A blog full of humor, humility and a blogger really nice too. You can also find her on Facebook.
Miss C : a blog with lots of pretty pictures, fashion, makeup, fragrance and a sweet cosmeto Ukraine. The first time I discovered this place, I spent all night reading it so I found it enjoyable. As usual, the blogger there is also very nice and sweet. A real pleasure.
Isabelle au naturel : here's the blog of my Coupin Isabelle, un vrai petit monde où tout est naturel, des cheveux longs, aux vêtements en passant par le maquillage. Une belle leçon d'écologie toute en douceur. Elle fait particulièrement de magnifiques chignons avec de très beaux accessoires, et donne d'intéressantes recettes de shampooings et hennés. Allez y faire un tour, et l'idée que "cheveux longs" rime avec "pas de coupe" vous passera très vite ;)
Cinnamon : un blog anglophone, ce qui n'empêche pas à celles qui ne comprennent pas bien l'anglais d'aller tout de même yeuter de sublimes chignons en cliquant sur " Pictures of my hair in updos ". Non, vous n'hallucinez pas, this girl has hair below the knees!
Pearly Makeup youtube channel and I'm not a big fan of the blog that I found the presentation difficult, but chain is absolutely brilliant! She uses colors really fun and flashy as I like. And good humor is contagious! Between makeup artistry, colorful and more sober, must see!
Beauty by poc : a blog review cosmeto makeup and blogger with a fairly developed sense of humor! Pleasant, varied, I like to go to read its new items, unfortunately, I do not comment often because unfamiliar products she uses. it at least has the advantage (or not?) make me drool!
that, I wish you a great weekend! For my part, program, express trip to Belgium and descent of much of France by car ... with my boyfriend! It left for life couple, finally!
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