Yep, I return with this product, to make you a more complete review of Lasting Gel Eyeliner Drama 24H-Gemey Maybelline
. I had the opportunity to test that month, and a makeup product, je pense que c'est suffisant pour prétendre avoir un avis :)
J'ai eu une dure journée, alors on va faire simple !
Les points positifs :
- le prix pour un produit de ce type. Mis à part E.L.F, les eyeliner gel se vendent assez chers chez Mac ou encore Bobby Brown. Ici, il m'a coûté 9€, c'est pas rien, mais pour ce que c'est, c'est une "affaire".
- la couleur intense. L'emballage précise une couleur "black intense", et ce n'est pas du pipeau, je trouve ce noir vraiment intense, it is a real eye!
- the brush provided. Well, it also has some negative points which I will discuss later, but for those who have too much stuff, it's nice to sell it with the gel liner.
- simplicity of the route, that's really great: we rarely magnifier with this product!
Negative points (yes, still ..):
- packaging evokes a required 24 hours, but I do not agree . Indeed, the comma (or "flip") tends to sink after a few hours, and it does not take 24 on the waterline. It is therefore necessary to move his finger from time to time to ensure that it does not look like a panda. But suddenly, it's been a makeup less "net", damage. By cons, if you ever made a false step, impossible to remove with a cotton swab, and it's really hard .. Somewhat paradoxical therefore held.
"panda eye" |
- product texture. I found it really good at first, but in fact, now I find it too creamy, it's hard to be measured with its brush ...
- look, just the brush ! Well, it's no secret that there is nothing like an eyeliner brush! They are nice at Maybelline, but they took us for balls or what? So, we do not always have a line thickness you want, but that's not feasible, to start, it's perfect.
... Lastly, being lazy, what bothers me (but not "fault" of the product itself ) is having to clean the brush after each use. I clean the brushes, I confess that I often zap even if I try (I do not always succeed!) To wash them at least once a week. And then, if the brush is dirty, the finish is much less accurate , and we tend to put them everywhere.
So, to conclude , I say I love this product for its ease of application and intense color, even if its few flaws sometimes make me revert to my liquid eyeliner ..
Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner 24H - Eye Studio Gemey-Maybelline - 9 € to 11 € according to the GMS
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