CHAPTER IV: hairdressing
I think I already told you: I 'm a fan of buns . I attach my hair every day for weeks to get to class, so they do not bother me, we do fiddles, they get dirty too quickly, they spoil. In short, for lots of reason.
Still, I like vary and change his hairstyle every day , much as I love to wear every day a new makeup that is my mood and / or my mood. I'll show you my favorite accessories, and my favorite hairstyles.

is a relatively hair comfortable that I maintain with lots of different accessories: single or double peaks (as in the picture at right), flexi-8 (like the picture at left) , clips Ficcares, Manoel pins ... In general, it takes all day. By cons, it may have a tendency to twist the hair a lot, so we must consider to change hairstyles.
This one too, you've seen, this is the braided bun . We must start on the basis of a fairly high braid and wrap. Well, there must be a certain length, but the record is pretty cool I think!
What bothers me is the "roundness" of the bun: it haunts me, he must be well rounded!
Again, you can hold the bun with lots of pretty accessories.

Je trouve que cette coiffure tire pas mal sur les cheveux, et les tord, c'est pourquoi je ne la fais pas si souvent que ça.
A droite, vous pouvez voir la version spirale.
Le Lazy Wrap bun , un de mes préférés, bien que ces photos does not represent very well. It's actually a big knot done with your hair. I like to keep with a flexi-8 or so with a nice peak.
Again, my photos are not great, but you get the idea;)
So finished for the week of routine hair, hoping that I would have given you some ideas!