Pour les syndicats STC, CFE-CGC, CFDT, FO et CFTC, EDF GDF SUEZ CORSE semble manquer de motivation pour investir dans le gazoduc.
Indeed, the renewal of power generation in Fuel is in good financial conditions for EDF:
- investment side, EDF has become the islands of high profitability guaranteed by the state. So much the better, because this mechanism led EDF to invest so enthusiastically directly or through subsidiaries.
- For fuels, more than € 100M of Fuel per year are purchased through EdF Trading (London branch) and also netted.
The unions are demanding that the pipeline receives the compensation system, the fuel gas be procured by EDF Trading.
investment side, GDF SUEZ, one empowered to realize our connection to GALSI, should enjoy the same return EDF: Gas purchased must include a ticket for passage of gas in connection paying for GDF SUEZ.
Overall, unions are demanding that the current funding of Fuel is used for the benefit of Gas and connection to the submarine pipeline.
The EDF subsidiaries have a key role in the operation in Edison, another subsidiary of EDF, featured prominently in the consortium GALSI. The unions are demanding that EDF
uses its subsidiaries (EDF Trading and Edison) to facilitate connection to GALSI.
Back to the future powerhouse of Ajaccio.
All parts are changed regularly, the engines of Vazzio are not tired. Heavy fuel oil is the fuel that is tired. The next station, which is not more powerful, must boot directly to gas. This will avoid the conversion fee (€ 30 million) and more than 2 months off per engine, we will have on Lucciana 2 to go to gas.
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