Friday, November 6, 2009

Varation In Fetal Heartbeat At 34 Weeks

Confederation CFE-CGC partner Festiventu 2009

La video de la Web Télé Ecologiste expose le sujet du raccordement Corse au Gazoduc GALSI:

Nascar 2003 Wrong Cd Inserted

Article Corsica in September 2009 CFE-CGC

Qu'on se mette bien d'accord. Selon vous, EDF ne veut pas du Galsi et entend continuer à utiliser le fuel lourd.
Officiellement, EDF est d'accord pour prendre du gaz, s'il arrive dans la baie d'Ajaccio... Oui mais, naturellement, il n'y a pas plus de fuel lourd que de gaz dans la baie d'Ajaccio ! Le fuel lourd ne vient pas tout seul ! EDF se démène avec des fournisseurs pour le faire. That would be quite normal that it uses as much energy to bring gas. Partners Galsi gas and all the experts agree that we must activate our connection at the same time as the main Galsi.
This is not the case. The
consider themselves true intentions into action. Jean de La Fontaine is perfectly illustrated what happens to us today: the hare (our connection) and turtle (Galsi principal). Our connection is still at the stage of feasibility studies, Italians and Algerians have buckled in 2006. EDF says it must wait to see if the Galsi be done is to say if work begins. Hare the connection is waiting ... Meanwhile, the tortoise has spearheaded Galsi detailed studies, the permissions of way, funding applications, which are almost curly. When the tortoise Galsi Senior will be the first sod, our rabbit is supposed to do everything in record time to start his bidding and work. Everybody knows the end of this fable, the hare and the strategy has little chance of succeeding. In practice, Italians and Algerians were confirmed in May and June, they expect the early work of the pipeline in 2010. And the European Union voted in July a grant of € 120 million reasoned in particular, by taking into account the start of construction in 2010. So there is still much to do to make the connection work of Corsica can also start in 2010.
Good. What is the benefit of EDF to persist on fuel heavy?
Since the opening of the electricity market, EDF receives financial compensation for losses related to public service obligations it provides. On an annual total of 3, 3 billion euros in 2007, obligations to purchase "clean" energy on the continent cost 2, 5 billion. The DOM and Corsica are only 650 million EUR 150 million remaining devoted to the social tariff. The purchase price of heavy fuel oil acquired by EDF Corsica with EDF Trading Ltd (a subsidiary of EDF registered in London) is compensated through the CSPE, EDF Corsica. The cost of procurement and delivery of gas would be compensated similarly. It would therefore EDF Trading Ltd passes a business fuel to natural gas business for Corsica. He should know that to the national community, the financial burden of gas and its transport by pipe is cheaper than fuel oil carried by ships , as soon as the barrel passes the $ 65. Rest whether, if in this case, EDF Trading found there.
question is whether the business Galsi gas could be equivalent to EDF Trading in fuel oil business . In addition, a starter heavy fuel could allow EDF to take advantage of earlier financial returns available for investment in new plants. Yet EDF says not to give Corsica in Galsi, but doing the right thing to do while awaiting installation. EDF find that emphasizes the rapid commissioning of the future central Ajaccio heavy fuel oil. With the following reasoning: it is urgent to renew the Vazzio ("let us remember 12-day breaks in March 2005), this would be a new power plant fuel or cutting ! The reality is quite different. In fact, we now have a direct supply of diesel boat of the 75 MW turbines (TAC) Lucciana. This is complemented by the new TAC of 40 MW and Lucciana TAC of 20 MW Vazzio and cable SARCO to 80 MW. Equivalent to additional production of 140 MW, which represents more than one additional Vazzio since 2005! Beyond, as we are in the system security, we will not discuss here the additional renewable energy, but they exist and contribute to food of the island. By 2012/2013, we will have more power on February 1 with Lucciana additional 60 MW to 100 MW the passage of the cable SARCO and dam Rizzanese complement. In total, almost two additional Vazzio over 2005! The risk 0 does not exist, but there is no reason to rush a new central heavy fuel oil in Ajaccio in the next 5 years. The
Vazzio Can he make the connection?
The new central Vazzio is not more powerful than the current one. It does so little in terms of security of supply. It must know that before getting a higher return on its investment in new power plants from Corsica and DOM, EDF plans to maintain the Vazzio active until 2020. On the mainland, EDF also fought to extend its nuclear plants for decades. Here, three-year maintenance tailored enough to wait for the gas (expected late 2012, but it may take a little room, 2015 for example).
To sum up, what are the objective conditions for Corsica can be connected to Galsi? And secondly what should be the attitude, visible, EDF to achieve these objective conditions to be fulfilled ?
Pour que la Corse soit raccordée au Galsi, il faut mener de front, dès septembre 2009, les études de détail, autorisations de passage, et dossiers de financement. Ceci pour être prêts à commander les travaux en 2010, comme les Italiens et les Algériens. Il faut que EDF réserve 5 % de la capacité du Galsi principal et prenne des engagements auprès de GDF SUEZ (GRT Gaz) permettant d'amortir le coût du raccordement. En effet, les 450 M€ d'investissements, à amortir sur 50 ans, seront aisément rémunérés : les sommes investies à fond perdu dans le fuel (plus de 200 M€ par an) permettront de financer le tuyau de raccordement and purchase gas. Today, if we make an inventory, what have we? We have a feasibility study, including the Algerians and Italians had been since 2006! The connection is compensated by a "ticket of passage of gas, such as highways. Except that, the ticket price of passage is a game full price of gas to be delivered. However the full price of gas is cheaper than fuel now cleared. Manna (CSPE) paid to fuel system therefore sufficient to fully finance the connection.
Is it still playable?
Yes, because the feasibility study is quite thorough. But we must start immediately, and juggle, detailed studies, authorizations passages funding files. Meanwhile, we must reserve 5% of capacity and provision of Galsi already contracts to buy gas. What do you think the deadline, beyond which the carrots are cooked? All practical steps to be ready to be launched in autumn 2009.

Is it true that Corsica EDF has already bought the new power station fuel ?
EDF has entered into a global market with the manufacturer Engine: MAN factory in Saint-Nazaire. But the factory is able to provide engines for natural gas, provided to prevent a year before delivery. This would also be a plus for this plant that would provide a reference gas engine. The natural gas engine market is growing rapidly, for electricity, but now also for boat engines (with micro-board storage for liquefied natural gas).
A central fuel heavy is it converted to gas?
It's like converting a diesel car petrol. Anything is possible, even to convert the current Vazzio but it is a very big project, whatever the central fuel heavy concerned. The cost and 2-3 months off for the 7 engines provided on new plants becomes difficult on a central, highly unlikely on two plants.
How different fuel heavy fuel light?
Called environmental fuel "by its developers, fuel heavy tar-like. He is pasty to 80 ° and the happiness of oil spills. Do not confuse it with the fuel light is in fact diesel. Fuel light (diesel) which is used as a supplementary fuel for power plants to fuel engine heavy gas engine. The stations are: 1) fuel heavy / extra diesel 2) natural gas / diesel backup and relief. But to go from 1 to 2 is a very big project for conversion! EDF is the state. This choice of heavy fuel oil is the choice of the state. EDF has a definite influence, but the Prefect of the Region supports the connection and EDF may evolve favorably. A political decision at the highest state level, is required. But it is sufficient, it would have to impose concrete steps that are like the blades of a razor blade double. First blade: simultaneous start of two pipes (Galsi and connection Corsica). Second Blade: start with gas from the power plant to Ajaccio. Without blades, razors can not work, despite all declarations of intent. The connection to Galsi is a major issue for sustainable development, locally and nationally, in the context of the Grenelle Environment.
Have you alerted the elected representatives of the Corsican Assembly, including Angelo Santini?
The elected Assembly, Angelo Santini and Camille de Rocca Serra, but also political groups are alerted and mobilized on this issue, including by mail inter-union CFE-CGC TCC, CFDT, FOR, CFTC. Environmental associations, Aria and Linda A Sentinel, and consumers represented by the CTRC launched, with the unions, the manifest Galsi (for gas and cons heavy fuel oil), which now collects about 30 movements representative of civil society. Several elected officials also make major active support to the project, they will recognize themselves here. A resolution of the Assembly of Corsica has been sent to the Head of State.
You seem however to be more focused on the central Vazzio. The new plant
Lucciana provides significant additional power. It starts with fuel heavy then involves a heavy and expensive construction of gas conversion. The future of central Ajaccio provides no extra power. If she started to fuel heavy, then there would be two huge yards conversion between the two gas plants. This additional cost would be a very significant barrier to the gas flow, which we condemn then to stay for 30 years with two oil fired central .
What does the mayor of Ajaccio? I say this primarily because there are quality is concerned, because then is left while the president of the executive is right.
The deputy mayor of Ajaccio also follows the issue closely and has already undertaken several steps to connect the Gals. This connection would also be deleted without having to replace the storage SEVESO Loretto.
By expressing this way, do not expose you, if not to internal sanctions at least to a downward revision of your career plan?
My expression here represents the CFE-CGC, which supports the connection. In this regard, I recall that we organize a conference in connection Galsi Festival Wind, October 28 to 15 hours. The future is not written, but I was elected in elections to defend the professional interests of EDF GDF Suez agents Corsica. The connection to Galsi is the solution that best preserves jobs and the future of staff and that of the population living in Corsica.

Issues connecting to GALSI Briefly, remind us all harm, indeed anachronistic, assume that the central Vazzio and Lucciana?
Although great efforts are made by EDF, in particular through the action of environmental associations, heavy fuel oil is heavy oil. And microparticles Issued are not controllable. Only gas will remove this dangerous pollution recognized by AFFSET, INSERM, Europe and the WHO.

remember the challenges of connecting the Galsi:

  • Reducing pollution by 300,000 tons of heavy fuel oil and 100,000 tonnes of light fuel burned per year in Corsica. Local pollution: more sulfur, PAHs, dust. And global pollution: fuel emits 50% more CO2 than gas per kWh electric final.
  • Compliance energy plan passed by the Territorial Community of Corsica, by maintaining the basic production of electricity the island. If one was connected Sardinia, the production base is more or less quickly relocated cable ... For oil-fired power plants are not competitive. In reality, the development or stagnation of the first source of industrial jobs in Corsica is at stake Heavy fuel oil is a mixed blessing for the job.
  • Finally, reducing the price of gas for heating customers, commercial and industrial Corsica: Corsican gas pay 40% more expensive than Marseille! While reinflating margins of GDF Suez, because natural gas is much cheaper than propane costs.
  • Risk Reduction Industry: end boats weekly delivery of heavy fuel oil and LPG near Bastia in the middle of the bay of Ajaccio (risks to people and the environment: oil spills, discharges, explosions).

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Denise Milani And Models

Not to abandon the pipeline! (CM 22-3-09) EDF GDF SUEZ

Unions STC, CFE-CGC, CFDT, FOR and CFTC, EDF GDF SUEZ CORSICA, believe that we should not be mistaken stake!
Since the 2005 crisis, the 75 MW of turbines are powered by Lucciana boat and no longer know the vagaries of the winter of 2005 that led the ballet of trucks to ensure their diet. After the fire Lucciana, 2 or 24 MW motors were not repaired, but 160 MW were added in Corsica, 160 MW continuously available if needed for the winter. Finally, we welcome the work of agents of the Supervision and Management, which have greatly enhanced management tools and forecasting. Although the risk
0 does not exist, do not play with the fear of lack of energy. The real issue is the decision urgent energy connecting submarine Corsica GALSI. Unlike
"Lucciana 2", the "Vazzio2" not mightier than the current plant. Heavy fuel to start the power plant would Ajaccio à abandonner le raccordement au Gazoduc, pourtant prévu dans le plan énergétique.
L’abandon du raccordement au gazoduc, c’est laisser perdurer un tarif propane 40% plus cher que le tarif gaz naturel pour les 30 000 clients gaz de Corse. C’est aussi la délocalisation de la production électrique de base donc l’importation par câbles, moyen de transport très coûteux, de l’électricité propre et avantageuse produite grâce au GALSI par les Sardes et Toscans qui eux en seront bénéficiaires !!!
La réunion à Paris du 17 Février n’a pas encore tranché notre raccordement gaz. Les tracés terrestres servent d’alibi pour refuser le raccordement gaz de la Corse, en nous renvoyant à l’emprise foncière, au sol granitique... Pourtant, dans le cadre du vaste chantier GALSI, les meilleurs moyens de pose sous marine seront disponibles pour le raccordement sous marin.
Nous avons demandé à nos élus politiques d’engager une série d’actions en faveur du raccordement gaz sous marin, au départ de la Sardaigne.
Les actions, si elles sont suivies d’effet par nos élus, montreront leur engagement pour le bien commun.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How Early To Apply For Jobs

CORSICA seems to lack motivation to invest in the pipeline. (CM 21-1-09)

Pour les syndicats STC, CFE-CGC, CFDT, FO et CFTC, EDF GDF SUEZ CORSE semble manquer de motivation pour investir dans le gazoduc.
Indeed, the renewal of power generation in Fuel is in good financial conditions for EDF:

  • investment side, EDF has become the islands of high profitability guaranteed by the state. So much the better, because this mechanism led EDF to invest so enthusiastically directly or through subsidiaries.
  • For fuels, more than € 100M of Fuel per year are purchased through EdF Trading (London branch) and also netted.

The unions are demanding that the pipeline receives the compensation system, the fuel gas be procured by EDF Trading.
investment side, GDF SUEZ, one empowered to realize our connection to GALSI, should enjoy the same return EDF: Gas purchased must include a ticket for passage of gas in connection paying for GDF SUEZ.
Overall, unions are demanding that the current funding of Fuel is used for the benefit of Gas and connection to the submarine pipeline.
The EDF subsidiaries have a key role in the operation in Edison, another subsidiary of EDF, featured prominently in the consortium GALSI. The unions are demanding that EDF
uses its subsidiaries (EDF Trading and Edison) to facilitate connection to GALSI.
Back to the future powerhouse of Ajaccio.
All parts are changed regularly, the engines of Vazzio are not tired. Heavy fuel oil is the fuel that is tired. The next station, which is not more powerful, must boot directly to gas. This will avoid the conversion fee (€ 30 million) and more than 2 months off per engine, we will have on Lucciana 2 to go to gas.