Pipeline: EDF GDF unions demand action! (CM 7 Nov 08)
Communication unions CFE-CGC TCC, CFDT EDF GDF Corsica
While we wonders of sight on connecting Corsica Galsi projects consistent with the permanent absence of connection to argue quick time. However, heavy fuel oil power plants and replacement of storage of propane is more expensive. Investment and exploitation. Being in the same economic conditions that we, the Italians opt for the pipeline and power generation with gas! Without connection to gas, heavy fuel our electricity is not competitive with the Sardinians, condemn our jobs and ultimately the development of our electricity production. In addition, our propane costs remain 40% more expensive than on the mainland.
You have less than a month to take action: We ask
EDF GDF SUEZ to include connection to the pipeline in the multiannual indicative programming Gas, which loop by late 2008. We ask our politicians to help them by bringing a motion for the rapid integration of the pipeline in the multiannual indicative programming Gaz.
actions show your commitment to the common good.
Monday, November 10, 2008
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Post Vazzio still debated: CFE-CGC TCC, CFDT (CM October 13, 2008).
Energy Council: Now, how do we do?
advances, the late great fears, and a key to resolving the choice of ground for Vazzio 2. The
Vazzio 2 is not more powerful than the current station, and can boot directly to the gas pipeline in coordination with the GALSI. Previous studies showed
overall profitability of the pipeline connection: Even with a connecting pipe underwater city, the gas saves 15 to € 25 million per year over fuel for power plants. This economy of taxes on invoices CSPE French electricity is doubled or tripled if the barrel increased from $ 60 to $ 100.
Everything is ready for EDF GDF SUEZ completes the final route submarine. This is the only one who will not pose problems for land passer le tuyau. Mais il faut mettre les bouchées doubles pour prendre la décision d’engagement des travaux comme les Italiens et Algériens : mi 2009.
Mi 2009, le choix du site d’implantation de la future centrale d’Ajaccio sera beaucoup plus facile :
Contrairement au Fuel Lourd qui circule mal dans les tuyaux, le gaz permet d’implanter la centrale plus loin ou plus haut par rapport à la mer. De plus, il favorise l’intégration environnementale et son acceptation.
Assembler les briques dans l’ordre facilitera le travail de tous. Nous faisons confiance à EDF GDF SUEZ pour accélérer l’étude détaillée du tracé sous marin, pour avancer efficacement as she was able to do when it built the cable SARCO.
Energy Council: Now, how do we do?
advances, the late great fears, and a key to resolving the choice of ground for Vazzio 2. The
Vazzio 2 is not more powerful than the current station, and can boot directly to the gas pipeline in coordination with the GALSI. Previous studies showed
overall profitability of the pipeline connection: Even with a connecting pipe underwater city, the gas saves 15 to € 25 million per year over fuel for power plants. This economy of taxes on invoices CSPE French electricity is doubled or tripled if the barrel increased from $ 60 to $ 100.
Everything is ready for EDF GDF SUEZ completes the final route submarine. This is the only one who will not pose problems for land passer le tuyau. Mais il faut mettre les bouchées doubles pour prendre la décision d’engagement des travaux comme les Italiens et Algériens : mi 2009.
Mi 2009, le choix du site d’implantation de la future centrale d’Ajaccio sera beaucoup plus facile :
Contrairement au Fuel Lourd qui circule mal dans les tuyaux, le gaz permet d’implanter la centrale plus loin ou plus haut par rapport à la mer. De plus, il favorise l’intégration environnementale et son acceptation.
Assembler les briques dans l’ordre facilitera le travail de tous. Nous faisons confiance à EDF GDF SUEZ pour accélérer l’étude détaillée du tracé sous marin, pour avancer efficacement as she was able to do when it built the cable SARCO.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
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For the CFE-CGC, the urgency is in Galsi (Corse Matin, Friday, September 26, 2008)
Energy and Sustainable Development: An emergency may hide another. Since the 2005 crisis, followed by the loss of 4 Lucciana engines, 2 engines were repaired, SARCO activated and capable of producing TAC installed base. I bet that the Directorate of EDF will know how to choose the best powers of TAC, demand that it hire the necessary staff, and she prudently manage the dams for the coming winter. It's his role. If "Lucciana 2" brings a more real energy, the "Vazzio 2" is no more powerful than the current plant.
The major emergency is the connection to the pipeline GALSI to produce electricity. Surveys and detailed studies are completed GALSI see www.galsi.it but GALSI ahead without us! The storage and propane-fired fuel "GALSI-compatible" is compatible with the absence of definitive GALSI in Corsica. GALSI is a worthwhile investment for the nation: We are not asking for charity or a gift! We ask to use some money, lost funds placed in fuels plants and TAC to fund the pipe. The rest gains on electricity production, gas cheaper than fuel, will reduce the deficit to compensate!
40% more expensive than Marseille!
Corsicans pay their gas or heating industry 40% more expensive than Marseille, due to regulated tariffs propane that already apply in Corsica. Explanation: This fuel is changing almost like a barrel and costs to GDF SUEZ much more expensive than natural gas. Only Natural Gas GALSI and regulated tariff would solve the problem of living, while reducing GDF SUEZ to normal. Let us not deprive Corsica a historic opportunity qui ne reviendra pas.
Energy and Sustainable Development: An emergency may hide another. Since the 2005 crisis, followed by the loss of 4 Lucciana engines, 2 engines were repaired, SARCO activated and capable of producing TAC installed base. I bet that the Directorate of EDF will know how to choose the best powers of TAC, demand that it hire the necessary staff, and she prudently manage the dams for the coming winter. It's his role. If "Lucciana 2" brings a more real energy, the "Vazzio 2" is no more powerful than the current plant.
The major emergency is the connection to the pipeline GALSI to produce electricity. Surveys and detailed studies are completed GALSI see www.galsi.it but GALSI ahead without us! The storage and propane-fired fuel "GALSI-compatible" is compatible with the absence of definitive GALSI in Corsica. GALSI is a worthwhile investment for the nation: We are not asking for charity or a gift! We ask to use some money, lost funds placed in fuels plants and TAC to fund the pipe. The rest gains on electricity production, gas cheaper than fuel, will reduce the deficit to compensate!
40% more expensive than Marseille!
Corsicans pay their gas or heating industry 40% more expensive than Marseille, due to regulated tariffs propane that already apply in Corsica. Explanation: This fuel is changing almost like a barrel and costs to GDF SUEZ much more expensive than natural gas. Only Natural Gas GALSI and regulated tariff would solve the problem of living, while reducing GDF SUEZ to normal. Let us not deprive Corsica a historic opportunity qui ne reviendra pas.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
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GALSI: Do not let Corsica away! (Corse Matin - August 18, 2008 - STC, CFE-CGC, CFDT, EDF GDF Corsica)
Le Gazoduc GALSI entre l’Italie et l’Algérie prévu pour 2012 progresse, mais la Corse risque d’être tenue à l’écart ! Il est urgent d’agir !
Enjeux :
- L’alimentation en gaz permettra aux futures centrales électriques d’être naturellement beaucoup moins polluantes.
- Le gaz naturel sera nettement moins cher que les GPL (propane, mélanges…) distribués par GDF-SUEZ pour les clients de Corse ! Le tout avec moins de pertes pour GDF-SUEZ… C’est aussi la fin des stockages GPL !
- Notre indépendance énergétique, la production électrique base, passed by our elected officials, will guarantee lasting than gas. Without him, we risk a "cable offshoring" of jobs.
- Money electricity bills of French consumers finance the deficit generated by heavy fuel oil power plants, sunk. An inexpensive national electricity and gas connection to Galsi contribute to the development of Corsica and the reduction of environmental damage to our island.
- The connection to the pipeline is to be done during construction, the decision was taken in 2008, without waiting.
We appeal to policymakers and their staff, local or national, to the State, to all who stay here and want to act now to Corsica for a strong mobilization of tax that allows connection to industry.
Contact us @ gmail.com corse.gazoduc
Le Gazoduc GALSI entre l’Italie et l’Algérie prévu pour 2012 progresse, mais la Corse risque d’être tenue à l’écart ! Il est urgent d’agir !
Enjeux :
- L’alimentation en gaz permettra aux futures centrales électriques d’être naturellement beaucoup moins polluantes.
- Le gaz naturel sera nettement moins cher que les GPL (propane, mélanges…) distribués par GDF-SUEZ pour les clients de Corse ! Le tout avec moins de pertes pour GDF-SUEZ… C’est aussi la fin des stockages GPL !
- Notre indépendance énergétique, la production électrique base, passed by our elected officials, will guarantee lasting than gas. Without him, we risk a "cable offshoring" of jobs.
- Money electricity bills of French consumers finance the deficit generated by heavy fuel oil power plants, sunk. An inexpensive national electricity and gas connection to Galsi contribute to the development of Corsica and the reduction of environmental damage to our island.
- The connection to the pipeline is to be done during construction, the decision was taken in 2008, without waiting.
We appeal to policymakers and their staff, local or national, to the State, to all who stay here and want to act now to Corsica for a strong mobilization of tax that allows connection to industry.
Contact us @ gmail.com corse.gazoduc
Thursday, May 8, 2008
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GALSI - Corse Matin April 12, 2008 - CFE-CGC, CFDT, STC
The proposed pipeline for 2012 GALSI advance, and Corsica?
- GALSI The connection is the only lasting solution which guarantees against the risk of a "wired offshoring" of jobs for electricity production base - our energy independence . Sardinia and Italy, will have with GALSI of cleaner electricity and less expensive, in a context of high oil prices.
- The pipeline will allow Corsica future power plants are naturally much cleaner and cheaper gas for customers Corsica! In October 2007, the Dutch company Fugro ingéniering of (global operator, CA = 1 € 4 billion) won the € 18 million contract to set the pipeline route GALSI (Algeria - Sardinia - Italy). Fugro has begun the study of the route at sea, the final report is issued before the end of 2008.
Trade unions CFE-CGC TCC, CFDT, EDF GDF Corsica solicit political and administrative bodies: There is an urgent mandate GDF to make this connection more than funded by savings on fuel (from 60 $ / bbl) . Referred to GDF, these savings allow a guaranteed return on investment similar to that of EDF power and gains for the CSPE . Our connection is least 25% of plants .
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GALSI - Corse-Matin February 23, 2008 - CFE-CGC.
2008 will see the start of construction to study the detailed Galsi for commissioning in mid-2012.
long sea serpent, the pipeline becomes a reality. Without industrial motivated, Corsica is not part of the path. Nothing is lost: the connection to the pipeline from the north of Sardinia is quite feasible in the project. According to initial studies, even in connection submarine Lucciana and Ajaccio, the cost of the connection will paid by savings on fuel to produce electricity with a barrel around $ 60! Gold over the life of plants and TAC, oil, currently at $ 100, may be rarer and more expensive . Natural Gas provides much better security of supply, and for staff ensuring a functioning central base over time according to vote CTC .
Natural Gas is much cleaner for future power plants and cheaper for the community. The absence to date of access to natural gas was part of the structural disadvantages for our island, as well as other infrastructure. The CFE-CGC asked Councillors to put pressure on the state: A mechanism for guaranteed return (funded indirectly by the CSPE) allow gas France to invest voluntarily in the project .
2008 will see the start of construction to study the detailed Galsi for commissioning in mid-2012.
long sea serpent, the pipeline becomes a reality. Without industrial motivated, Corsica is not part of the path. Nothing is lost: the connection to the pipeline from the north of Sardinia is quite feasible in the project. According to initial studies, even in connection submarine Lucciana and Ajaccio, the cost of the connection will paid by savings on fuel to produce electricity with a barrel around $ 60! Gold over the life of plants and TAC, oil, currently at $ 100, may be rarer and more expensive . Natural Gas provides much better security of supply, and for staff ensuring a functioning central base over time according to vote CTC .
Natural Gas is much cleaner for future power plants and cheaper for the community. The absence to date of access to natural gas was part of the structural disadvantages for our island, as well as other infrastructure. The CFE-CGC asked Councillors to put pressure on the state: A mechanism for guaranteed return (funded indirectly by the CSPE) allow gas France to invest voluntarily in the project .
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GALSI - October 30, 2007 - CFE-CGC, CFDT, STC
Published Corse Matin of October 30, 2007: The Pipeline
Published Corse Matin of October 30, 2007: The Pipeline
for Corsica: CFE-CGC, CFDT and the STC EDF GDF Corsica challenge the Government:
Holding Cabinet in Corsica after the Grenelle Environnement, is a historic opportunity to announce policy decisions for the firm connection of Corsica Galsi:
- The Pipeline Corsica enable future power plants are naturally much less polluting.
- Ecological, Economic and Social: Gas prices are reduced for customers Firms and individuals from Corsica!
- GALSI The progress of the file is such a political decision is urgent and necessary to bring EDF and Gaz de France to complete this project.
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